Saturday, February 20, 2021



Is it worth DOING? ARE YOU JUST IN RUT? -.... Are you simply going through the motions,....? or do you LOVE EACH DAY with crazy happiness and joy? You CAN... There is no reason that you shouldn't live each day to the fullest!

oK... WHAT is holding you back?...breathe,...BREATHE deeply - take it all is - How does it feel? How do you FEEL? DO you even remember? - That's what Yoga is all about - remembering - It's all about remembering - your TRUE nature - WHO are You?  you ....YOU - ARE AMAZING - wake up! Be YOU - the AMAZING YOU! 

I love you = You love you - NO - YOU LOVE YOU - that's what you need - you ARE LOVE - you emanate love - you exude love - Think of the first 7 years of a childs existence - they are simply absorbing EVERYTHING around them - drinking it all in - on this great wavelength - it's a vibration like no other ,... or IS IT? you can also access this place in the moments prior to sleep... SO, SOOOOO so,.. what if?? JUST , WHAT if ,?....You filled that time - those last few minutos with amazing good CRAZY good thoughts of ... What are you trying to manifest STUFF?... THAT.. 

Absorb the goodness ... PLAY THE SONG THAT YOU WANT TO BE YOUR life!

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