Saturday, June 27, 2020


Authenticity...BE authentic....Can you BE authentic,....BE you... be yourself... In all situations...? but, WHO ARE YOU? Do you know?...hmmmmm...
Do I? Who do I WANT to be? Who do people THINK I am?
AM I THAT person....and when other's are disappointed in you,.. ARE THEY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU,... or do they see you as a mirror and they are really, DISAPPOINTED IN THEMSELVES?

The beginning of this blog post was from late June 2020, It is now Aug. 31, 2020, I decided to add a few thoughts....

My son came home from school today and we discussed a question that a teacher asked of his class ( 10th grade)..The inquiry was more or less this:
Are people more motivated by FEAR?  

How to overcome your fears | TED Talks

 OR... Are people motivated by....HOPE?

450,109 Hope Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

It is truth, that most people are more motivated by fear...
How do we shift this habitual paradigm?  Well,...As human beings, it is my belief that we are constantly seeking outwardly for things like approval, questioning ourselves in comparison to others, and looking outside for obvious answers that are within.  So much of the Yoga practice is not about more but less.  The practice of Yoga is unraveling, we release past suffering and let go of the masks that we have worn, the TRUE YOU shines through!Just Be You Horton Hears A Who Wood Decor | Hobby Lobby | 1829670  It took time to create who we are TODAY,.. and therefore, it also takes time to unravel some of the "mysteries" that lead us to where we currently stand.  By this, I jest a bit, we have simply 'FORGOTTEN' who we are and our "work" is to soften those outer layers, dissolve the outer, protective layers, so that your 
                                                                                                                                    inner light... 
Inner Light
can once again shine.  
The journey inward is not easy but,... it is simple...Slowing down and "sitting" 
Can meditation help kids with autism better cope with sensory overload? -  The Washington Post

with yourself in meditation can be a lovely way to simply observe WHERE you are,... WHO you are?  Reach out for support, but look inward into your heart. 💓 

Go slowly and be kind with yourself,... take walks outside, surround yourself with beauty, and as you close your eyes, take a deep breath and consider that the walls created around you were built by an amazing being,  someone who, over time, needed protection in some way to feel safe.  But, now, the time is here for you to peak up over those walls, ... look around and then, take another deep breath and REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!  That amazing being who built those walls that hold you back,... can also break through or jump right over them for peace and freedom.
.12 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate and Empower You |

So,... LIVE,... WITHOUT FEAR! Be your best you!

4 Ways To Overcome Fear With Yoga

 Take a chance on yourself!
May all beings be HAPPY AND free,... may YOUR thoughts, words and actions contribute to the well-being of all! 
and my own personal family motto:  GO BIG OR GO HOME!
Go big or go home | Tribesports | Flickr

In light,

Friday, June 26, 2020

TODAY is the day, oggi, hoy

Today,….hoy, oggi,…today! THIS DAY!

It is this day,…it must be THIS DAY, that I choose,… to be alive, to be awake, to make mistakes, to say, “I don’t know” ….Today is the day, that I let go, release and fly free.  What makes this day different than any other,…It is TODAY,…Maybe I will “fail” to LET GO… Maybe I will fail to BE FULLY awake!... but, then I will begin again….I will give my heart to this effort. 
 What Is The Right Time To Practice Yoga?
I will let go of suffering and move forward…I remind myself and students:  You ARE your best teacher, the answers lie within…So,..JUMP, SOAR, FLY! AND…sit….THIS is the best teaching SIT…Not everyone who practices Yoga is aware that the word ASANA ( which is a part of most of the Sanskrit words that describe the POSTURES we take in the physical “practice” of Yoga,…Asana translates to ‘TAKING ONE’S SEAT’,… therefore, What we are ATTEMPTING to do,…is TAKE A SEAT, in the shapes that we make in a Yoga “class”…What does that EVEN mean?????
How can I ‘TAKE A SEAT’ in Warrior IIYoga Poses for Kids: Warrior II - Pose Breakdown – Flow and Grow ... 
while standing and extending my💓🙏 arms and activating my inner thighs and pulling into my 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras,… How do I engage mulabhanda and SIT ,….Monthly Community Meditation
The answer is SIMPLE,… ( I didn’t say easy, I said,…simple)
The breath is smooth and even,…the posture allows for strength and flexibility to present themselves…and then, in the stillness, breathing, holding the space of the posture (shape, pose) there is a moment that exists,…DO YOU CREATE IT?... I actually think that it is ALWAYS there, always present but when we are quiet, we notice it,…we pay attention.
Your body has to cooperate to an extent to be able to be still and listen,… How do you do this?...PRACTICE these postures, eat well, sleep well, sit still A LOT,.. 

be compassionate
Happy Dancing Heart Painting by Samantha Lockwood

…take care of yourself, others and the earth. Continuity, consistency …stay the course,… sit when you are happy, sit when you are sad, sit when you are active, sit when you are mad, sit when the sun rises, sit when the time presents itself.  The opportunity to be with yourself is available many times each day, I know you say you are too busy, you say," it’s too hard",…..

Rewrite the story, today is a new day.  Today, you start again,… and then ONE DAY,….one day soon,… you will be in a shape, a yoga asana,… You will “sit” in the posture and breath, your body will be at ease and the great answers that you seek will become a beautiful song in your heart,.. you will hear the song like beautiful music, your heart will dance, your soul will shine and it will be TODAY!Image result for today image

YOGA. REVERENCE,... & Things working out

 Things have a way of working out. 💚🙏 As much as we stress and toil over what happens around us and "to us"... We can really get...